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2006-10-08 05:42:34
Last author: Calico Tiger
Owner: darkest halo
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Celtic Souls


...Yu nimbly walk into the dimly lit room and seat yurself at a dark oak table with a small candle placed in the centre. The smells fill your lungs - spices, potatoes, sweets, greens, pies, pints. Studying the strange markings on the table, yu dont notice the celtic girl, [darkest halo] step up to yur table and clear her throat quietly. Startled, yu look up, and quickly turn your stare away from her irish blue eyes. "Are yu celtic, may I ask?" she asks yu in a melodious voice. Yu reply in a matching voice, " I am ma'am." She gives yu a quick but grand smile and whisks off to write your name down and hurries yu into the back. Once your eyes adjust to the light, yu gape the the wondrous sights. "Come in, do not be a stranger." She says as she leads yu into the room.

<img:> <img:>

Allo everyone! This is celtic souls, a place for all the celtics in elftown to gather! Please write yur name on the member page so that yu can make full use of this wiki. enjoy! 

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Celtic mythology classroom Taught by [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós], Enjoy!
Celtic Languages
Celtic Banner Contest Just started! We need a real banner for our houses! Submit your pictures. No deadline, so far.

i think i need to make it clear for everyone, since a lot of people have made this mistake: yu can ONLY become a fairy, use the "chats", or post anything unless yu are a MEMBER. if yu arent, please feel free to look around or use the comment section. thanx! ^.^


[darkest halo] is the creator of this wiki. If yu need any assistance or have any questions, ask me n I'll do what I can! My sigils are the following:

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2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: According to the Catholic faith, gay marraige is very offending. It defiles the entire concept of marraige, in their eyes...

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: and... according to the catholic faith of old, jews were beings that cruxified christ, therefore people to be abhorred...(the spanish inquisition and removel of the Jewish people from spain)

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Yes. What is your point, with that?

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: so? *shrugs* people can find offense at the oddest things. like african americans eating in the same room with them. so basing your law off of what offends certain groups of people is not always the best way to look at law making.

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: THANK YOU! Urizen!! You have Made My Point!!!

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: i'm not making anyones point. i'm just showing an error in someone's logic

2004-10-20 [Erutan]: Yes but in doing so.... you have proven my point to Templar, and shown him my reasoning for arguing with him

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: then again, look at it by this point. what is law for, but to protect the rights/interests of the people? so how do you base law? off of what the majority wishes, since these days we do not base it off a system of absolute truth. so how do we make law? by precident, by what a person is willing to fight for. how can we say what is right and what is wrong without a system of absolute truth? ...we can't... because there is no right and is not wrong. there is jsut what people feel.... which is why i hate the ironies of life... no wonder i'm almost a nihilist.

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: But when large groups find problems with it, then there needs to be decent consideration before going against either side politically...

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: that is very true. but who is to say what is right and what is wrong? the majority of the masses. for one, i find that rather disturbing since sometimes i also find the masses horrifically naive as well as complacent

2004-10-20 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oh goodie a political debate.... it's bad enough their on tv

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: *laughing* what?! and just because it rules you life, as well as plasters itself everywhere, that means you should hide from it?...*sighs* i know it is troublesome, but! sometimes troubles must be run through to gain a better life. (besides, this isn't really a political debate, more like political theory debate)

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Eh, I've discussed this through and through before, and I'm done with it. It will pass through congress due to the clause stating the right to happiness, and because the continent is naive enough to think that gay marraige is a good thing. One comment before I leave this to you all, and I enter silence- If marraige is truly about love, I think I ought to just go marry my cat. I love her a lot. I'll just marry her. </supreme sarcasm>

2004-10-20 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Well, I've never seen any good come from it. No one ever changes anyone else's mind about it, and all it does it raise hackles.

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: *shrugs* i just dislike marriage in general. i've seen SO MUCH pain come from it and i've seen only one marriage that has worked. Everyone is too lazy to make their marraiges work anymore. and who are the people who have gotten over 3 divorces to deny such a horrible thing to the homosexuals?... *sighs* templar leaves me with one question, if marriage is not about love? what is it about?...all i think it is about is causing the person you used to love, more pain than they should bear. but then again, *is very cynical and jaded*

2004-10-20 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Well why don't you just take your very cynical and jaded opinion out of here and find a more apporpiate place for it?

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: welll....umm.....i missed something i umm yeah sorry *sneaks away*

2004-10-20 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: No stay, Keeper, they were just ending, weren't you BOYS?

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: *laughs* what? what offended you so much? it is jsut an opinion, i do not call it fact! nor do i say you have to live by it, i am voicing an opinion to see what people believe. often times a challenging opinion is one that causes people to learn the most, or! also expand their capability to use logic in a debate! that is the whole point of debate and/or trying to find out how the world even works. (and i do not beleive i have overstepped teh rule "don't be an asshole, as i have not been racist, sexist, nor have i cussed at someone, or even harassed someone).

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: *shifty eyes* umm.....okay

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: i'm not a boy, btw. i'm a girl :P

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: i just came in late so i have no clue what is going on

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Aiy.... Since I've been asked a question, I'll answer -.- But to the point. Marraige is about the union between a man and a woman who love each other, and intend to help each other to get through life well, and to produce offspring as the next generation. To relate to the gay issue, gays can't fulfill the last section. Love is important, but it must be fruitful.

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: *shrugs* the problem with your statement is that now the law is being defined with a relativist outlook on life, where you are talking about an absolutist outlook on life, it is quite interseting to see this go on, because supposedly the government reflects the will of the people, so if the gay ammendment passes that will reflect 1)their opinion concerning homosexuals 2)whether the majority of the populace has a relativist or absolutist outlook on truth. i think humanity is starting to lean towards the belief in relative truth now...

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: oooo okay i know what we talking about now. 

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: Erm. . . I don't want to a asshole or anything but isn't this wiki about Celtic things?

2004-10-20 [Aradon Templar]: Yeah... We just got off on a tangent because one of our members wanted to push for Kerry's vote, while I supported Bush :P

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: basically, when we go back to celtic things, we stall the convo, and then it dies for about a week or so. sad! we need to have some better topics for discussion.

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: I don't like my country but I support Kerry. Oh well. I really don't like politics. I want to go home.

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Yes! Home is where the heart is! Maybe if I finally go home people will stop calling me a heartless bitch!

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: *sigh* Ireland my home and heart.

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: My sentiments exactly. :)

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: At last! I found someone who understands my longing to return to Ireland!

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: i just wish to visit. *smiles* just to hear, the voices of the people. for some strange reason they sound so beautiful to me when they talk.

2004-10-20 [Innocent as Sin]: well umm yeah i'm going to bed mom wants me off *waves* night everyone

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: Oooh! I found out that I can tell the differance between Irish accents! Can you?

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: What type of differences would you be talkin about then?

2004-10-20 [Urizen]: i haven't heard enough to tell where exactly they would be from :( i need to live there.

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: I can't explain it up I know where in Ireland they came from and what cultures influeced them.

2004-10-20 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Really now? That's quite impressive. Have you ever actually been to Ireland?

2004-10-20 [Lokasenna]: No. That is what is so weird! Its the same for all the other parts of the brittish isls.

2004-10-21 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Well, Uri, you were acting like a lil boy. And it's just this is not the pace to be dabating, there are places on here for those debates, this isn't one of them.

2004-10-21 [Urizen]: then why was there a debate here? why were you allowing it? *grins* why why why why why? but i'll tell you this, supposedly the tienimen square wasn't the place for debate either...and now? such a sad thing, to repress the voice of all of thosepeople... *has a flashback* "repressed! i'm being repressed!!"..damn i love monty python

2004-10-21 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I was not on to stop it. I'm not repressing you, I never said you could debate it, I just said take it somewhere appropriate

2004-10-21 [Urizen]: *shrugs* at least it livened up the site, who says anywhere and everywhere is not a place to have discussion on what you think? why is this place specifically forbidden? yes, this is a site about celtic things, but who ever said that life cannot be discussed as well. your logic is bent, fix it or fix the laws. make a set of laws on this site which states that you cannot talk about anything except which the authors of the page allow. because untill then, you will get people of all types on here discussing whatever they want.

2004-10-21 [Lokasenna]: I agree with Lady Edana no that this is not the place for a debate but I will agree with you, Urizen, on that Monty Python rocks.

2004-10-21 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I have finally attempted knotwork! Yay! ^_^!

2004-10-21 [Lokasenna]: I am afraid of knotwork. It scares me. *hides under table*

2004-10-21 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I was afraid to try it as well... but it's really not as hard as it looks. You just have to map it out. I drew a dog! :)

2004-10-21 [Lokasenna]: I can't it hates me! Make it go away!

2004-10-21 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: *Gasps!* Don't say such a thing!

2004-10-21 [Erutan]: sorry for butting in and not talking about celtic stuff... but the thing of it is... for any of those in here who are druids or have any simillar belief then please deal with me for this one last time...and anyone who wishes to talk about this any further should just message me... and leave it out of this wiki.....

2004-10-21 [Erutan]: TO all of those whom I have spoken to... and to all of those here... if you live in the USA. and are of age to vote... Please!!! Look at this web sight and read all that you can... and be smart about things... this is Created by and run by a neutral party, not the republicans and not the democrats…. They are a neutral party that only intend to inform you of what is going on in your government… PLEASE!!!! Inform yourself before you vote!…..

2004-10-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I never said Monty didn't rock, I watched Holy Grail again today, seeing as everyone quoting it remeinded me I haven't watched it in acouple weeks.  Congrats, Deirdre! Can we see it? ok, thanks, Eru

2004-10-22 [Erutan]: Sorry again.. here is the sight..

2004-10-22 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I don't know when I can get it scanned in... Mum's not exactly been pleased with me lately, and the only scanner I have access to is the one at her office.

2004-10-22 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I took a picture of it instead. Not the best quality but oh well. <img:>

2004-10-23 [Lioness123]: wow, nice job!

2004-10-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oooooo..... coolios..... I've never been good witht he creatures myself, but they are awesome, and that is good.

2004-10-23 [Lokasenna]: Pretty. I wish I could do that but the pencil hates me.

2004-10-24 [Aradon Templar]: Tiggris, why did you erase the whole thing? (fixed, now)

2004-10-24 [birdsong]: Awesome Dee!

2004-10-24 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Thankies! ^_^!

2004-10-25 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ummm... Tiggris has erased all the members too.

2004-10-25 [Lokasenna]: WHAT!!?

2004-10-25 [Aradon Templar]: Oiy... I've got all the pages watched, it should be in my list of stuff that I'll see. Thanks for the notification. I dunno why she's acting up :/

2004-10-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: *shrugs* who knows

2004-10-26 [Aradon Templar]: Boredom, she says -.-

2004-10-26 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: She needs a hobby...

2004-10-27 [Lokasenna]: Like singing Irish drinking song while dancing the Timewarp.

2004-10-27 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Heheheh, that's always fun! ^_^!

2004-10-27 [Lokasenna]: Yes. ..

2004-10-27 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yeah, really, I mean she could creat her own wiki to destroy and create at her whims, don't do it to others', you can actually get in trouble for that

2004-10-27 [Innocent as Sin]: *waves to everyone*

2004-10-27 [Innocent as Sin]: ummm......i'm not that good at html. could someone send me some kind of banner code so i can put i up in my house. i tried learning html at one time adn it didnt work....

2004-10-27 [Lokasenna]: This wiki has a banner?

2004-10-28 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: right click the image you want, got to properties, get the URL, put "img:url" inside < >

2004-10-28 [Lokasenna]: I know the last part but I had know idea we had a banner.

2004-10-28 [Aradon Templar]: No, I don't believe it has a banner. In fact, these pics probably shouldn't even be up right now... But I'm doing my best to ignore them. Don't put pics from here up in your house, or they'll probably all be removed...

2004-10-29 [Innocent as Sin]: just wondering cause i was on someones house and they had one of the knots from here up.......

2004-10-29 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: And it's useful for other groups that have banners... we could make banners

2004-10-29 [Lokasenna]: We could have a contest?

2004-10-29 [Aradon Templar]: yeah, I saw a few houses who had it, but they shouldn't. And yes, we can have a contest, if you guys want. Should I set up the page?

2004-10-30 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: sure! *goes to look through image bin for something to submit*

2004-10-30 [Lokasenna]: *tries to understand the scanner*

2004-10-30 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: lol yeah that stupid scanner

2004-10-30 [Lokasenna]: I have tried everything! I even tried an exorsist!

2004-10-31 [Innocent as Sin]: lol well looks like i got something started....*hides*

2004-10-31 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: They are just plain evil

2004-10-31 [birdsong]: They Really Really are!!

2004-11-01 [Lokasenna]: I second that motion!

2004-11-01 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: glad we all agree

2004-11-01 [Lioness123]: whats evil?

2004-11-01 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: scanners

2004-11-01 [Lioness123]: ooOOOoo...Yep. they are advocates of the devil, they are.

2004-11-01 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: totally

2004-11-21 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I noticed the wiki doesn't really have a banner... would this work? <img:>

2004-11-22 [Aradon Templar]: Isn't a banner yet, but it can be remedied easily by adding the words "Celtic Souls" to it :) And yeah, I'd love to see an actual banner up.

2004-11-22 [Aradon Templar]: Don't forget to add it to the contest wiki, too. Thats where we can compare all the banner entries.

2004-11-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: it does have "Celtic Souls" on it

2004-11-22 [Aradon Templar]: Where? o.O Its all black...

2004-11-22 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: ....all black? *Blinks* The only black is in the lettering. The banner itself is green... a dark green, but still easily distinguishable as green.

2004-11-22 [Aradon Templar]: o.O Now that I look closely, it shows up. Sorry, my computer's coloring must be different from yours. Yeah, its great, then ^_^ I'll go add it to the contest.

2004-11-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: or your eye sight...

2004-11-23 [Aradon Templar]: True. My eyes aren't the best, as of now.

2004-11-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: lol, I'm not far from the screen myself

2004-11-23 [Aradon Templar]: Heh, when I first saw the banner, I got about three inches from the screen and scanned it carefully for something like that, and I saw nothing o.O Oh well. Maybe it was my glasses. Sometimes thye distort color. I doubt it, though. Probably just tired.

2004-11-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: maybe

2004-12-07 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ok, I ReAlLy hate it when people do that. What have they started a destroy wikis club?!

2004-12-07 [Shade Wolf]: What?

2004-12-07 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: look at the previous version

2004-12-11 [Lokasenna]: Pretty banner!

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: You like? I was bored... and I swear I saw the microsoft paint icon wink at me... that was the result.

2004-12-11 [Lokasenna]: Very nice. alas I do not have any artistic talent.

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Talent? Hah! No talent went into the making of that.

2004-12-11 [Lokasenna]: See! I do worse stuff than that and you think that what you just did had no talent.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Everything takes talent

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Oh, you think so? What talent does breathing take?

2004-12-11 [Lokasenna]: This is starting to sound like a book I once read. . .

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: What would the title be?

2004-12-11 [Lokasenna]: Moonlight and Vines by Charles De Lint. Good book. makes you happy inside.

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Hm, I shall have to check it out then. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a nice read.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL, ok, but it should I know some people who really shouldn't have the talent to breathe.

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Aye, I've known a few like that as well. I was quite surprised their bodies where still functional.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL, yes and you wanted to "fix" the problem for them

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Heh, I managed to suppress the urge.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It is difficult, is it not?

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: God yes.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: So how has your day been?

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: It's been a rather lazy day, but I'm afraid that's about to change. Mum's home. :(

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Uh Oh, I escaped to the library. :D

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: The library's seven miles from here... I'd have still walked but I'd be in even more trouble for leaving my sister alone.

2004-12-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: ugh, having to babysit... even better.

2004-12-11 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Yeah... and I'm about to get one more.

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh fun, I'm sorry.

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Oh, yes... loads of fun. He's 12 and has... damn, I've forgotten the name, but it's some type of mental disorder. He's a little out of touch with reality.

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: ADHD?

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Nope. I should know ADHD, I have it. It's something a bit more complicated than that...

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: hhhmmmm... don't know

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Wow, he likes to talk... :(

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL keeping you entertained?

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I'm sure he likes to think so. I've got music playing and he's playing checkers with my sister.

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL relief?

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Still talking up a storm. Likes the sound of his own voice I gather.

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL Most kids do

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: I was never like that... always the quiet one in the corner. But then I had that "Don't speak unless you're spoken to" thing beaten into me early on. I still have trouble speaking comfortably...

2004-12-12 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: yeah, I said most not all

2004-12-12 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: ARGH! Must resist... urge to strangle... annoying child... *Growls*

2004-12-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL poor thing

2004-12-17 [Innocent as Sin]: sounds like everyone is having a lot of fun....

2004-12-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Always!

2004-12-18 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Er... sort of... Mum's on the phone with a long time friend and they're chatting about my Da... it's kind of weird... My parents were never married... I don't think they were ever even a couple. I was the "drunken mistake". They're recounting all the good and bad times. It's the first time I've heard some of this. o_O

2004-12-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: *hugs*

2004-12-20 [Forsvunnet]: *axes down all the pop-ups*. soor to hear ut Deirdre, i hope there are more good times then bad times...

2004-12-28 [Innocent as Sin]: hey it no matter if you were a mistake everyone is here for a reason. Nothing is ever planned. Anyway sorry i havent been on here much too much to do and not enough time to do it in.

2004-12-29 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: No one is a "mistake" in god's eyes

2004-12-29 [Innocent as Sin]: or the goddess's eyes......

2004-12-29 [Byne]: o.o Hmm.... o.o

2004-12-29 [Lioness123]: *lifts an eyebrow*

2004-12-30 [CelticWoolf]: Everyone is unique and a gift to the world in their own way regardless.

2004-12-30 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Every human a gift to the world, you think? ...what world are you living in?

2004-12-30 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: We all have gifts to contribute, it is just what we do with them

2004-12-30 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Most, it would seem, have chosen to ignore them.

2004-12-30 [CelticWoolf]: And yet all still have the potential . . .

2004-12-30 [Lokasenna]: Hello? What did I miss this time?

2004-12-31 [Byne]: ... What about all those people who care not of anything else except themselves and are greedy, greedy, horrible, evil people? o.o

2004-12-31 [Forsvunnet]: like gnomes!

2004-12-31 [Byne]: Or.. >> << Bush? He's not sending anyone to help with the tsunami's..Canadian's like moi, have raised a total of 14 million dollars over the past three days.. I donated.. um.. 500 dollars.. ^^ Well.. Me and me mum.. o.o

2004-12-31 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: *Lets out a harsh bark of laughter* Why is it that the Americans can never do anything right, hm? If they try and help... people get mad at them for interfering. If they leave people to deal with thier own issues... they're insulted for not interfering. :/

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah i agree with that. they complain when americans dont help and complain when we dont. come on now why do we have to get yelled at for our choices??

2004-12-31 [Deirdre O'Kelly]: Because America is a country of great power, and consequently, in the spotlight. Every wrong move is noted.

2004-12-31 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah and it sucks.........ack my head hurts from thinking now....

2004-12-31 [Forsvunnet]: I'm glad I live in Norway, it's such a peaceful country...and no gnomes to interfer...

2004-12-31 [Byne]: Hmm... o.o 1000 Americans have been identified dead.. o.o And all the Scandanavians.. Blargh.. >< Its so sad.. And.. horrible.. and and.. -sniffles-

2005-01-01 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah they said that one of the islands was moved like (in americans terms) 30 meters from where it was originally located.

2005-01-02 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Everyone still has gifts, their greed just masks it.

2005-01-02 [CelticWoolf]: There are way more locals dead than there are foreign tourists or whatever (no offence intended). Each loss of life, no matter the nationality is tragic. 

2005-01-02 [Byne]: I know. I was pretty amazed watching CNN last night. So much horror... OMG.. One of my class amtes was over there for the holidays.. I hope she wasn't affected... And, theres a 14 year old boy raising huge amounts of aid.. He was on CNN ^^ I think its great that he's doing that...

2005-01-02 [Erutan]: It was a tragic end to a rotten year, and with that door now closed and the New Year’s door open things can only get better. This will be a better year and it will start with caring.

2005-01-02 [Byne]: I hope.

2005-01-02 [Erutan]: That is it, one cannot just hope, one must insure within them self that it will be... Remember what ever you send forth comes back to thee... so send out your heart and ask that this year will be better, and know that your answer will be yes. ^_^

2005-01-02 [Byne]: Yea.. ^^

2005-01-02 [Forsvunnet]: And now lets all give each other a big hug and say we love each, got carried away in the moment.

2005-01-02 [Byne]: XD -laughs a little-

2005-01-03 [Innocent as Sin]: lol yeah though i heard that it reflooded over there. 

2005-01-03 [Byne]: o.o Blargh... ><

2005-01-03 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah I just hope there year gets better since it started out bad.

2005-01-03 [Byne]: Eh.. Not for me.. -grimaces and rubs her temples-

2005-01-03 [Innocent as Sin]: what up? 

2005-01-03 [Byne]: Well, swimming is really picking up, and reginals are soon, I made one of my best friends cry becuase I got mad at him for e... Nothing, and I had to leave and well.. He tok it a little to hard, and school is starting soon and and... I'm going nuts.

2005-01-03 [CelticWoolf]: *hugs*

2005-01-03 [Byne]: -hugs back and twitches- I also got up at 4:50 am for nothing.. My coach didn't show for swimming this morning. Blaargh

2005-01-03 [Lokasenna]: EEP! I got up @ 3:00am to work on a paper!

2005-01-03 [Byne]: o.o I get up early every Monday and Thursday for swimming.. Bleck

2005-01-04 [Innocent as Sin]: lol everyone is just doing well huh...

2005-01-04 [Byne]: -hiccups-

2005-01-04 [Innocent as Sin]: ohhh this is not good....

2005-01-04 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: What's not good?

2005-01-04 [Byne]: -hiccups again and twitches-

2005-01-04 [Innocent as Sin]: she has hiccups *blows brown paper bag and creeps behind [Byne] and slams it and it maes a Loud POP!!* did that work?

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